Week 2 of games has come and gone, and I’ve been very right and very wrong. Some teams did exactly what we expected of them and some teams did the exact opposite. Me being all over the place was pretty in expectations as well, so you can say that we were all right that we were all wrong. Regardless, it’s week 3 and time to make our exceptionally accurate guesses as to who’s gonna win and who is gonna crash and burn, so without further ado, here is the weekly power rankings from yours truly.
#10 - Chubby Babies
This was. . . . . a tough week for Chubby. They played both Tempest and Literal Monkeys, making this statistically the most difficult week they will play, and it showed. They went down 0-2 this week for a great start to the winless season that we have come to expect from first half Chubby. Still, the games weren’t blowouts and there is still hope for this roster. Once everyone starts filling into their roles a little bit more I expect them to start picking up wins here and there and look to make the run for the playoffs once more!
Player to watch: VFluids
This player had. . . . a mediocre week to say the last. . . . . But at least he didn’t int! Unfortunately, much as I want to give the player to watch to undead or lazerbite, they both had games that were ummmm. . . . rough to say the least. VFluids seemed to be a rock on the team this week, and performed decently in both games despite them being losses. As long as he can continue to maintain that level, and his teammates can even out their own performances then I definitely see this team taking a number of games off the other low ranking teams.
#9 - Ozon3 Aztecs
Oh how the mighty have fallen? No, not really, but this was not a good week for Aztecs. They lost against both FriendZoned and Atlas Gaming, firmly cementing their ranking near the bottom. Obviously they have room to move up and prove that they are indeed a playoff caliber team, but if they continue to put up numbers like they did this week, I don’t expect much. 4th to 9th might seem like quite the drop in rankings, but in these early weeks, there is plenty of room to move around and they might very well jump up against after this week if they close out. This week they play SPK and Monkeys, so if there was any time to prove you deserve a spot near the top, it’s now.
Player to watch: CANMaple
Should he retire, or can he carry his team to a few wins? Last week, Maple had some decent performances on a few hyper carry oriented champs, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to put up the results. It will be interesting to see this week if Ozone continues for that kind of strategy or if they opt into something more utility oriented in the bot lane to let his teammates step up and put him on their backs. I’m hoping for some more Kai’Sa
#8 - Gamma Guardians
Rebuilding week for Gamma, as PartiallyFamous finally steps into the roster. He’s not in the top lane like we’ve come to know him, but instead the starting mid. This is another team that had a very poor week losing both of their games in under 25 minutes. Their seemed to be little synergy between the support and ADC in the games last week, and looking to change dynamic, there is another roster change in the form of Robin. If this’ll be enough for the team to start to click, only time will tell.
Player to watch: PartiallyFamous
I would say that Pete and Robin are both player to watch, but the role swap in addition to the roster change puts PartiallyFamous right up at the top of my watch list. As a player, I know him to play some champions that are also mid laners in the top lane, as well as some top laners in the mid lane, so I have my eyes wide open and ready to see what kind of picks and strats my boy can bring to Gamma and get them back on the winning hype train!
#7 - FriendZoned
Another 1-1 week from the boys, showing a decent performance. FriendZoned beat the team Aztecs beneath them and lost to SPK, who will be ranked higher. Easy enough. There isn’t that much to say about this team, and we can only watch their future games to see if they have what it takes to step it up or if they are gonna be relegated to the play in zone once again this season.
Player to watch: Shlidd
I’ll stop making Shlidd the player to watch for FZ when he stops being their main win condition in every game, win or lose. Great player that puts up great numbers in every game. I expect the team to either legit start playing around him, or for him to start looking for a new team because this man deserves some talent by his side.
#6 - Illumination
Oh boy, another 1-1 week from our boys at Illumination, this time managing to actually win one of their games instead of getting a win by forfeit. The game against tempest was close until it wasn’t, and the game against Gamma was a stomp to say the least, ending faster than any other game this split to date. More roster issues and players showing up for one game and not another still plagues this team, but they currently have a 100% winrate when they field their starting roster, so I’m hopeful.
Player to watch: Awootism
Awoo showed up for the second game of the night, and boy did he show up big. This player can play tanks and carries to the level his team needs to get the wins that they feel they deserve. I’m genuinely curious how the game against Tempest would have turned out had the game 2 roster been the one fielded then as well. Regardless, enjoy looking top lane for some sweet PVE action in Illuminations games this week.
#5 - SPK White
SPK White also had a good week, but not a great week. They took down their competitor FZ, but lost against one of the front runners in CC. The reason they rank above Illumination despite having a slower victory, and a loss against a lower ranked team is that they actually have 2 wins on record. This week they play Aztecs and Illum, so it is their time to get a 2-0 if they want one. I personally expect a 1-1 this week (definitely not because I’m on Illumination or anything) but there is a very real possibility that they could 2-0 or 0-2. Such is the nature of the start of the season.
Player to watch: Jesus3114
Man had a good week. Despite his team dying around him, he kept to a single death on Xerath in their loss against CC, which seems to be a trend with Xerath players. Regardless, if this player is showing they can play more than just Malzahar and Anivia, then that’s a win for SPK in my book. Looking forward to some hard carry performances this upcoming week. Or maybe he feeds, who knows :^)
#4 - Atlas
This is looking a little bit like last season. Atlas had a pretty good start to the season before running into a few issues with changing rosters. Bliss and Homie not longer on the roster, Atlas has some big shoes to fill if they want to keep their record on the up and up. This ranking isn’t taking into account those roster changes, but who knows. Maybe Bliss and Homie are overrated. They definitely didn’t carry FZ to the playoffs last season. Maybe they were the chains holding down the true champions of the season! Tune in tomorrow to find out when Atlas faces off against Tempest and Gamma.
Player to watch: Shifti
Seemingly the most consistent performer on Atlas Gaming, Shifti is gonna have to step up more and more in the coming weeks if Atlas doesn’t want to fall to the bottom of the leaderboards. He played 2 games on more late game carry oriented ADC’s and performed decently well in both of them. The real test will be to see how he can stand up against the powerhouse Tempest bot lane this week.
#3 - Literal Monkeys
Another week and another 2-0 against teams that are lower than them in the standings. Monkeys have pretty firmly cemented themselves as the #3 team on the boards. This isn’t so dissimilar from last season when they were in a similar position. They need to step up the game a little bit and slam home some games if they want anyone to consider them a finalist contender instead of Casting Couch. Hopefully this week they make that statement with some very dominant victories against Ozone and FriendZoned.
Player to watch: QuestForIons
Much like last week, Quest was good. He played both a teamfight top laner, as well as a splitpushing tank, and had good numbers on both. Quest is the standard that should be acceptable for finding top laners in a league like this, even if he doesn’t seem to have that many pop off hard carry performances. A player like Quest leaves up a lot of options for the way your team wants to play. Good work.
#2 - Casting Couch
2-0 once more, having one of the more dominant wins this week against Gamma Guardians. They didn’t fall before the cheese, and smashed a win through bot lane. Upcoming weeks do leave me interested in how they will do without their current jungler, Athena, given that he has ranked out and only has so many weeks left to play. Still, they showed once more that they deserve to be at the top, and a 2-0 this week will lock that sentiment in place firmly.
Player to watch: Qukslice
This player had a pretty insane week, busting out the draven and stomping all over a degenerate Yuumi lane, as well as a phenomenal 14-1 carry performance on sivir against an equally degenerate Pantheon support cheese lane. Good stuff by this player, can’t wait to see if he can do the same this week.
#1 - Tempest
Yeah, yeah, we get it. Tempest SZN and all that. I’m gonna keep it short and sweet and say congrats to Tempest for continuing to be the best team in the league, even if it seemed like they faltered a little bit early against illum. All of their players and subs have shown they can play the roles given to them and win the games in a variety of ways. Even without their full roster, they are a force to be reckoned with.
Player to watch: TheLoveHitman
Just a very good ADC player coming in hot from other leagues and ready to take BOL by storm. Very aggressive flashing and carry performances leave me wondering if there are any teams out there that can punish him in the future. Who knows? Regardless, he makes for a fun player to watch, and I will continue to due so in the future.
And that about wraps up week 3’s Power Rankings. What did you think? Who should be higher and who should be lower? What players are over or underrated? Let me know, and maybe next week I’ll pop you in as a guest analyst.
Or maybe I wont :^)
Regardless, thank you all for checking in and I’ll be back with more words of wisdom next week. That’s all from me, CmonShootFaster. Thanks again and good night!