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BOLE Winter 2024 Week 2

Hello again is I CTRL ULT ELITE back with another article! For those who do not know me, my name is Storm or CTRL ULT ELITE. I will be the main writer for BOL Emerald and am the Top laner this year for Tilt Esports. I have been writing for BOL for several years. I have also written content for The Nameless League, CCS and Aegis, and I have published some Fantasy Hockey and Yugioh articles in the past. If you have any feedback regarding my content, let me know! I am always happy to hear from people.

With 28 teams and so many players that I do know I have decided to write about 1 group a week for the next four weeks. Today's article will cover my initial thoughts on the Freljord division. Last week I covered Demacia. Remember, most of this ranking is based on name recognition and looking at of the teams so ELO average and solo queue stats heavily influence my ratings. Overall team synergy is very hard to find when looking at a roster on paper. BOL Emerald is also fearless this season, so champion pool flexibility will be discussed much more than usual. I am going to start slotting teams into my Overall tier list so we can see how it evolves week to week.

The points total listed on a roster is how high a team's solo queue rating is for its main roster as of September 6th. I did those totals then so that no roster swaps are being recorded. An entire team of D4 players would be 40 points. The BOLE average ELO is Emerald 4 this split. Most teams are close to this, but there are several outliers. 

The Tier List

This is a reminder that teams left to do matter(Shattered Spire is the Best B-tier team, and the Niners are the worst C-tier team). As we cover more divisions, I will slot teams into my tier list. Please note that I am not moving teams up or down until after week 4 is over, as these were my initial thoughts on teams.


The Freljord Division has an average ELO of Emearld 4 or 21.6 Per Team, slightly higher than Demacia. The Freljord, as a group, has some very good teams that can win all of AEL but also some teams that I think are going to struggle a lot. My Tier list for the Freljord is on the right and Maxim and Spuds created the tier list on the left as part of their podcast: Give it a listen.

  1. Tilt Esports

  2. Elysium on Ice

  3. Mint Gaming Mafia

  4. Clown Gaming Blood Moon

  5. Elysian Thunder Raptors

  6. TTM Aegaeon

  7. HydroPump Zebra

TTM Aegaeon

upport: SeeU#Xiyue

Point Total: 29 (Emerald 3 Average)

Tier: D

TTM Aegaeon despite being a team with high KDA values and looking solid initially, has so many issues I am putting them into the D tier. TTM looks to be playing for late game I guess? You have a bot lane who needs time to scale, a former Katarina one trick in mid who is now playing control mages, an offrole jungler and an aggressive top laner. TTM does not fit together in my mind whatsoever I would be shocked if this team did not make some roster changes. TTM will probably be the best team in the D tier and might even be a C tier team but I do not think they will make the postseason.

Taunty2k in the top lane is a very odd looking top laner to me. Taunty2k has been a top lane main for a long time but they took a break to try out jungle before returning to the top lane. Taunty2k plays mostly towards AD fighters and has horrible KDAs. They do a lot of damage and farm well, but Taunty2k has truly awful vision score and I think that they must just got caught in the mid-game non stop. The weirdest thing about Taunty2k is that they play much more disciplined as a tank and have great KDAs. Taunty2k also has an incredibly odd matchup. Taunty2k is losing to tanks incredibly frequently in solo queue and is not playing champions they have most of their mastery on. Taunty2k is trying to pick up Aatrox and has a 33% winrate on the champion. Needless to say I am not a fan of Taunty2k and think that they are going to get top gapped in BOL.

ProtonPlatPlayer is the only player of TTM that I recognize and the last time I saw they were playing as an ADC. ProtonPlatPlayer is listed as the jungler for this roster and jungle is ProtonPlatPlayer’s least played role this season of the 3 roles that they play. ProtonPlatPlayer  has committed to being a jungler for the past two weeks and is 5-12 while jungling. When we look at this entire year(inluding split 1) they have a sub 40% win rate as a jungler. I do not understand how when ProtonPlatPlayer is playing a lot of similar champions as they did as a support. I hope ProtonPlatPlayer shakes off the rust and is able to climb right now they appear to be one of the worst starting junglers in the league.

 IAmSkadush is another new name to me as they have risen up to Emearld in the past year. IAmSkadush again is not a traditional  mid lane main; they used to be a top laner who 1 tricked Katarina as their solo mid lane champion. IAmSkadush has branched out playing most of the meta mid laners like Hwei and Corki. Playing Katarina has given IAmSkadush some nasty habits they look like a complete KDA player only committing to winning fights and prioritizing their life over objectives. As far as their champion pool goes I have abolosutley no idea what IAmSkadush is going to play in comp games. Hopefully its not Katarina as Kat almost never fits due to her terrible laning phase and non existent wave clear.

Necro and SeeU are easily the best looking part of this TTM roster on paper. Again Necro has some odd champion choices and roles they have been able to climb to diamond this season off playing Vayne in bot lane and top. Their next most-played champion this season is Draven and they have a 25% win rate… Necro in past seasons was a Kindred bot lane player, AP twitch player and a Zeri player when she was broken. Necro is thriving in solo queue; they are getting 9 kills a game giving them some insane KDAs. I worry a lot about Necro though I can never see a team giving this player Vayne once this season and they do not have a lot of games on other champions.  

SeeU is what most people would refer to as an egirl support player. They play almost enchaters pretty much exclusively trying to die as infrequently as possible and ranking up assist with their shields and heals. If you have an ADC player that loves flashy champions like Necro SeeU looks like a fantastic teammate the two should have lots of synergy together. A vision score of 2.07 is acceptable, and hopefully, it will get higher in comp when they can have a warding buddy. Again although SeeU has great stats on Serpahine their most played champion there are some red flags about the rest of their champion pool. Having a 35% win rate on your next two most-played champions is one and dying over seven times a game on average on your tank supports is another.    

Elysium On Ice

Support: Rudy310#NA1

Point Total: 25 (Emerald 3 Average)

Tier: A

Elysium are a team of solo queue warriors with almost every player on this roster having a champion that they have played over 100 times this split. EOI looks to be a team that is going to be bloodthirsty. Almost every player on EOI has really high death and kill counts in solo queue playing to fight and do damage whenever possible. EOI has a mix of veterans and new talent on their roster. The team seems to have been built with Fearless in mind. Every player has vast champion pools that cover multiple classes. There are not that many flex picks for EOI sadly but drafts for them should be fluid every game. EOI I am putting in my A tier, albeit towards the bottom of A. They are one of the few rosters that I have seen that fits together well and has good individual pieces. My worry for EOI is that I do not see the star power player like the S tier teams have.

CZI is one of the many Elysium players that I recognize from other amateur leagues. CZI is coming off a season in AEL that went poorly going 4-12 in the regular season with just a 2.13 KDA. CZI has a huge champion pool and constantly plays for hard counter picks. It showed this week when they played Gwen in game 1 into Ornn. CZI also plays a lot of tanks like Malphite, Poppy, and Ornn. CZI is a great pickup for fearless and should do well this season. My concern for CZI is they are not great at farming they are below 7 CS a minute on every champion they play and have quite a few lane bullies that they are down 1k gold at 15 on average in solo queue.

DuddyBrainz is another new name to me as they have just reached Emearld at the end of 2023. DuddyBrainz is a solo queue warrior they have almost 600 games of ranked this split. DuddyBrainz plays a lot of different junglers so Fearless should suit them well. I am a little disappointed to see that CZI and DuddyBrainz do not share that many flex picks. I can only see three, even though both have played over 50 champs during this split. DuddyBrainz has good stats when they play aggressive champions, they gank a lot and are active early but while playing farming champions they get gold leads. My worry for DuddyBrainz is that they are currently sliding in solo queue having fallen from mid Emearld 2 all the way down to almost demoting out of Emerald in the past 3 weeks. 

Naysayer is another name I recognize. I have seen them as a sub several times, at the very least. Naysayer is also someone whose match history looks like a rumble ult hit it. Being a solo queue warrior, hopefully they can bounce back and be in form for BOLE but Naysayer has fallen 400 LP during this patch period. Having a 40% win rate on Aurora a champion who is designed to wreak havoc in Solo queue is a huge concern. The positives for Naysayer is that Naysayer does an incredible amount of damage in solo queue averaging 1000 dpm. All Naysayer seems to be doing is limit testing in solo queue maybe this is a rock lee situation and the training weights come off in BOL but I would be cautious about someone with 7.6 deaths a game on average and 2.0 KDA.

Dilly is more fresh blood for the Emerald scene. An ADC main who is playing a lot more towards self sufficient ADCs playing lots of Jihn, Ezreal and Zeri. Dilly like all ADC players plays most ADCs in some capacity other than the outliers(Nilh, Senna, KogMaw, Samira, Draven). Dilly has good stats but nothing note worthy. Lucain looks to be the champion they are having the most success with in Solo queue.   

Rudy310 looks to be a really good support player with a 2.55 vision score in solo queue and averaging 12 assists a game. Rudy310 plays a ton of champions who roam very effectively giving EOI the ability to play for other lanes with CC setup of Pyke, Thresh or Blitz. Rudy310 does have a wide support pool while they play a lot of hook champions they also play a lot of lane dominant supports as well like HeimerDinger, Rumble and Tayliah. The parasite was played in 62 games this year so there are some negatives to discuss. Rudy310 also dies a lot as well.  

Clown Gaming Blood Moon

Jungle: Squiggz#NA1

Support: cloudbry#NA1

Point Total:25(Emerald 3 Average)   

Tier: C

Clown gaming is a team that I am not sure how they fit together. With 2 players in their off roles an ADC who is struggling currently and some less then stellar solo lanes I am not very excited about Clowns playoff hopes so I have them as a C tier team. What Clown does have going for them is that they have players who can step up and carry. 

Sanserino34 of Spider Bite Esports is my favourite yapper in general chats, and I hope to see him active in BOL. Sanserino played last season in Aegis on Spider Bite Epsorts making it to playoffs with a 4-8 game record and a 1.68 KDA. Sanserino plays towards whatever the S tier meta top laner is in the solo queue. That means currently, a lot of Garen but last split it was all about Skarner and Zac. Sanserino34 is a fine top laner and does have counterpicks that are available but Clown picked Sanserino34 blind in their 1st week.

     Squiggz is an ADC player currently listed as the jungler for Clown. They have three games of solo queue as a jungler in the past year in this role and not a lot of jungle in the past either. Squiggz does not have a jungler past mastery five and I really do not know why they are listed as the jungler of Clown. What little games of jungle I found Squiggz played carry junglers exclusively.

 WookieMonster is a mage mid player with nearly all of their games on Viktor for several seasons. WookieMonster plays some AP assassins like Fizz and Akali, but I think they will stick to control mages all season. WookieMonster farms decently and is great at warding keeping themselves safe early while they scale.

 Resilient is on their way down to gold in solo queue. When I look at Resilient’s stats I really cannot figure out why they started to slip so much. Resilient farms decently getting over seven cs a minute, does good damage and has around 3.0 KDAs. Maybe it is the fact that they started to play other ADCs in solo queue? I don’t know Resilient had a bad week 1 as did all of Clown. Resilient is currently rated they 18th-best ADC in the league in stats which is bottom 5.

Cloudbry was an outstanding ADC player last season for Bloom Abyss in BOL being the number two ADC in the league for stats during the regular season. Cloudbry swapped this year to support. Cloudbry has 18 different supports locked this year but has only played 10 champions over 5 games playing almost all of their games on Nautlius. They have a fantastic KDA on Naut getting 18 assists a game on average at the least.     

Tilt Esports

Support: caCollin#LTK

Point Total: 34(Emerald 1 Average) 

Tier: S

Again, I am playing on this TILT roster so I am biased towards my team. For those who do know, the top half of this roster won BOLE last split(we swept playoffs). TILT is the team with the highest ELO average of any team in BOLE and has who I would consider to be the best jungler in BOL so they are in S tier. This team has a new bot lane of Butrzz and Cacollin players that the rest of Tilt knows and has teamed with. Tilt is a team that plays hard for their jungler and team fighting.

I am not talking about myself. I play top lane for TILT.

RatQueenDelilah will probably be the jungle MVP this split like they were last season. RatQueenDelilah is an aggressive jungler who plays as a carry counter jungling, looking for solo kills and does the most damage on TILT in most games that they play. RatQueenDelilah plays plenty of roles in solo queue to better understand his laner's and would be one of the better solo laners in BOL if they were playing mid or top they just have the hands and individual play making skill. RatQueenDelilah was the MVP of the finals last season and did the most damage a minute of every jungler in BOL last season while having 70% KP. RatQueenDelilah has a huge champion pool playing everything from AD skirmishers to AP clears.

AlbinoSunBear is a mid-laner who excels at team fighting, shot calling, and providing CC to burst critical targets. SunBear’s weakness is establishing individual leads, and I suspect they will try their best to support RatQueenDelilah during invasions. Sun Bear did have a fantastic week 1 getting 8.4 CS a minute as well as several solo kills onto WookieMonster, so they have shored up some of their laning. AlbinoSunBear plays mostly towards mid-game spiking championship in mid-lane that pack CC and enjoy skirmishing. 

  Butrzz is one of the new players replacing KTL in the bot lane. Butrzz is an ADC who really enjoys playing back to front team compositions playing lots of hyper scaling ADCs like Jinx and KaiSa. Butrzz farms well they have over 7 CS a minute on all ADCs that they play and does over 800 DPM a game in solo queue.

CaCollin is a support who has swapped over from top lane to embrace his inner egirl. CaCollin is playing all the UWU champions you could want to see like Nami, Seraphine and Karma but also has games on tank supports as well like Naut, Tahm Kench and Maokai. CaCollin wards well(is top 5 right now in vision score) and does not die a lot.    

Elysian Thunder Raptors

Point Total: 25(Emerald 3 Average)

Tier: C

I am not sure about this Thunder Raptors team. Week 1 was a disaster having to FF a game then bring in Esubs to get game 2 going. The Thunder Raptros have a great bot lane and I just had question marks on the rest of the team. My huge worry is that Thunder Rpators do not seem to make sense together. There is no one on this team playing tanks or engage. You cannot have a team where all 5 players need resources to function and flourish there is not enough gold on the map.   

J Young is an enchanter support player that is listed as the top laner for this roster. With 26 games of top lane and a 45% winrate in the past season while playing almost the complete antithesis of their normal solo queue success, I wonder if J Young in the top lane is the right call. What little solo queue stats I can see look terrible below 2.0 KDAs being down over 1000 gold at 15 minutes and having 5 CS a minute is the stats of someone in bronze not high emerald. J Young is also playing mage top laners mostly or sprinting it as Nasus, unless they have some top lane only account that they need to drop looks like the worst top laner not just in this group but all of BOL. 

Christmas is a jungler looking to play for themselves on classic power farming carries of Lilia, Kindred and Bel Veth. I am a little worried that Christmas has only 1 tank champion to fall back on, and they have lost every game with them in ranked this season. Christmas has great KDAs on his most played farming junglers and is doing respectable damage. I wish their CS was a little higher they are only up 2 camps a game at 15 minutes on average and dont gank very often.   

Fallennn was listed as the mid laner on this roster and instead of playing while being d4 99 LP decided instead to decay down. Kuzu I guess is their new mid laner now who is more of a late game scaling mage player.

  ChristianBros2k is by far the best-looking player on this Thunder Raptors roster and was the sole brightspot of their week 1 match when he went 4-1-1 when his team was down 15 kills. ChristianBros2k just staright up looks like a great ADC. They play a lot of more utility focused ADCs like Ashe Ezreal and Varus and farm well with early gold leads, don’t die often and farms 7.5 CS a minute. 

  Protomorph has embraced support as his main role after playing as a top laner for several seasons. Protomorph is built for fearless they have played 26 different supports this season in ranked and play tons of flex picks that can swap to other lanes like Zyra, Pantheon and Maokai. Protomorph is a much more lane-focused support looking for 2v2 kills and has a less-than-stellar vision score and their income falls off a cliff come mid-game. Protomorph also dies a lot they average 6.8 deaths a game in solo queue. 


Hydropump Zebra

Point Total: 15(Platinum 1 Average)

Tier: D

HydroPump Zebra is a team without a lot of concrete strengths so they are getting put into my D tier. With lots of platinum players on this roster with subpar win-rates, heavily solo queue-focused champion pools combined with terrible early game stats I am not expecting a lot out of HydroPump. HYDZ lost in week one really badly only claiming one tower(despite getting five grubs) and dragon across both games. Draft for HYDZ looks to be a significant worry teams should have an idea of what every player on this roster is looking to play with minimal draft preparation and I see next to no flex picks available for them. 

Aeternumi is a dedicated Kayle main. I hesitate to call them a 1 trick as they have played 25 different top laners in solo queue this season and 7 of those champions have at least ten games played but Aeternumi has over a million master on Kayle and it has been their most played champion every season. Aeternumi does not really have a lot going for them though they have never been Emearld in solo queue has an awful win rate while behind and right now is platinum 4 with a 45% win rate.

55 Azrael is a jungler with a very heavily solo queue focused champion pool. Nunu, Nocturne Master Yi, Warwick 55 Azrael plays champions that are considered by most players to be cheese picks. Their solo queue stats reflect this 55 Azrael falls off in mid game committing to ganking and farming less and less as games continue. 55 Azrael also does not get ahead that much at 15 minutes and almost never wards instead playing for sweeper. 

Prodigy is another player on Hydropump who concerns me. Prodigy is also in plantium currently

with a negative win ratio and is duoing with some accounts that have less than 20 games to great success! Prodigy has bad farming stats they are under 7 CS on every champion they play and have less than six on their more aggressive picks. Prodigy also does not have great KP % but is doing good damage. Prodigy has a well rounded champion pool playing the staple control mages of Azir and Syndra to more aggressive options like Ekko and Akali as well as AD mids. Hopefully for HydroPump Prodigy is able to link up with 55 Azrael and get snowballing. 

Kïttëñš is primarily a support player who also plays some ADC and hit Emearld 3 a year ago and has never been back to Emerald. Kïttëñš is low platinum currently and does not have good ADC stats. They are doing 600 or less DPM and have negative win rates on most of their champions with less than 2.0 KDAs.Kïttëñš also struggles when behind more than other Emerald and Plantium players.   

Church of Rango is the highest ELO player on Zebra dragging the teams average elo up almost 2 entire divisions. Church of Rango plays a ton of roles which is awesome to see but support is their best. Church of Rango plays much more twaotds engage supports and early game aggression. Hopefully this gives 55 Azrael another lane to commit to other than mid lane. Church of Rango doees not have a lot of games on non engage champions to teams should be able to draft around them.

Mint Gaming Mafia

Support: MINT KMZ#NA1

Point Total: 20 (Emerald 4 Average)

Tier: B

I like a lot of aspects of this Mint Gaming Mafia team I really life but I think Mint will be one of those teams that are gate keepers. Mint Gaming Mafia is going to absolutely destroy the weaker teams in the freljord group exopisng their weaknesses and having crazy highs like they did in week one. I think it is just as possible that Mint is going to crash and burn agasint teams that are better than them I cannot see Mint taking a playoff series against the top BOL teams in a best of five. The champion pools on this Mint team are just not there for Fearless and the picks that this team practices are all about snowballing, something that is much harder to execute in comp. I also worry for late game on Mint everyone on this team is ready to throw down and gets caught a lot which can be a disaster in the late game.

Emötional Damage is a jungler mostly who has role swapped to top lane. Currently they are platinum three and are climbing steadily with Garen. Emötional Damage plays some inique top lane champions having lots of games on mages some tanks and even ADC tops like Zeri and Varus. Emötional Damage has great stats while on Garen but they slip on other champions overall they have a 1.9 KDA in solo queue and a negative win rate in the top lane.


카파원 or Kapawon in the jungle is throwing up some red flags for me. They have a 39% winrate in jungle this season(they are a much better support player) and have not played a single jungler over ten games this year. 카파원 was a jungler in the past but mostly plays ADC. 카파원 does not have enough data for me to really say anything positive. They do play a lot of tank junglers and should enable the rest of Mint to play more selfishly. 

iNguyen is another player with a different champion pool. iNguyen plays a lot of Zed Sylas and Naafiri mid. While this is really cool to see someone not picking Orianna and Azir every game it does have some consequences. Playing this much towards high burst and out play iNguyen died a lot on champions without a dash as they play very aggressively and ward poorly. I am unsure how Fearless will treat iNguyen while they do have a large mid lane champion pool playing tons of different mid laners their stats are carried by a few champions and they look a lot worse on more traditional champions. While iNguyen did look incredible in week one they were beating up on a low platinum mid laner.

Him is an ADC who is a double-edged sword. They have over 7 CS a minute on all their champions and are doing more DPS than other emerald ADCs. Him has just one major problem and it is their death count is over six a game. Being an ADC in comp is frustrating your teammates peel for you yes but the enemy team also is better at catching you out. Him again did great in week one they are top ten in damage a minute right now but died more then I would want to see in stomps. I think that Him might struggle as I do not expect a lot of back-to-front fighting this season for Mint.

MINT KMZ is a name we all should know as the owner of Mint. KMZ decided to swap back to support as they were orgiannly the mid laner for this roster from what I have heard. KMZ as a support plays a lot more towards engage and CC then peeling. Naut Thresh and Rell are their most played champions by far in solo queue. While KMZ does not have the greatest stats they should bring the veteran shotcalling, drafting and overall leadership that this Mint team needs to get to the next level of play. 



Kittens With Mittens Vs. The Spire Cats

My Prediction: 2-1 Kittens

Maxim: 2-0 Spire Cats

Spud: 2-0 Spire Cats

I think that with the roster change that KWM made they are now a much more solid team and have a team identity after getting a new mid laner. Both Spire Cats and Kittens are teams that I think are going to find most of their success in mid game fighting and skirmishing. Both of these teams share a lot of similar picks, so expect some weird stuff to get drafted if the series goes to game 3. I have KWM over Spire as I like Pisi over SodiumHydorxide and I think this series is more or less going to get decided by early jungle skirmishes. SOEZ and Storm are also going to play supper aggressively the entire series and SoEZ has better champions for a pure 1v1. 

AK Hearts vs. No Quarter Gaming

My Prediction: 2-0 AK Hearts

Maxim: 2-0 No Quarter Gaming

Spud: 2-1 AK Hearts

I honestly think that AK Hearts will easily be the best team in Demacia. NQG lost game 1 last week badly but were able to pull it back. AK hearts will win this series because of the strength of their bot lane. Raijin and Florgato look to have way more diversity and skill compared to Muzzrah and Halfling I believe. Trying to lane past Okami in the mid lane as well for Gozer is a worry I think Okami will be able to stifle the early game and AK Hearts should win late game every time.   


Final Boss Rebirth Vs. Final Boss Alpha

My Prediction: Rebirth 2-0

Maxim: Rebirth 2-1

Spud: Rebirth 2-1

I will be honest that I do not know much about either of these Noxus teams and from what little I saw of their multi both teams have a lot of issues. Rebirth is sweeping over because they have their entire roster together and are much higher ELO(Emearld 3 to plat 2 Average). Doctor Shoruds is still ineligible as they do not have their games in.   

Malestorm Esports Vs. Dynasty Star Weavers

My Prediction: 2-1 Malestorm Esports

Maxim: 2-1 Dynasty

Spud: 2-1 Dynasty 

This is probably the toilet bowl match of Noxus, as I would have these two teams picked as 6th and 7th. I have this as a 2-1 for MeaelStrom as the Star Weavers were not able to get a game win.  

XG Raatoskr Vs. Syndicate Crashout

My Prediction: 2-0 For Syndicate

Maxim:  2-0 For Syndicate

Spud:  2-1 For Syndicate

Having scrimmaged vs Syndicate they are one of my picks to win BOLE this year. Both teams have strong bot lanes(MEI I swear to god if you play like you did in AEL…) but Syndicate is strong across the board. OFT27 for XG I think is the major hope to get some game wins Zuiy does have a unique champion pool but hard counters exist for what he plays. 


Monkeys Fever Vs. Monkeys Reformed

My Prediction: 2-1 Reformed 

Maxim: 2-0 Fever

Spud: 2-1 Fever

Monkeys Reformed did drop a game last week to Conduit Gremlins but that team I think is a lot better than people are giving them credit. I agree that top lane should be really close but I think the Mid Jungle of Reformed is way better than Fever and will blow the game open in the mid game. I believe that Fever has the better bot lane and I am excited to see Maze not on Seraphine this series should be close but Maze does have a small champion pool. 

Optimal Esports Engima Vs Conduit Gremlins

My Prediction: OE 2-0

Maxim: OE 2-0

Spud: OE 2-0

OE is easily an S-tier team in BOL and should win this group so I am predicting them to win every match. Again I think Conduit has some good individual players but I doubt they take this one. Having Yeetloaf on a roster is super annoying as the guy just swaps to mid lane all the time and takes a lot of the fearless draft concerns away. I think LordiSoma is an excellent top laner and probably who gets this team a win if the series is close.

Dorado Gaming Epsilon Vs The Shadow Cows

My Prediction: 2-0 DOGE

Maxim: 2-0 DOGE

Spud: 2-0 DOGE

I am a known Shadow Cows hater, so this should not surprise people. Without Jungle Twitch I think this team gets worse but they made the right moves putting DJ Zeller back in the top lane and getting a real support. DOGE was a good team last year in the AEL and are a much more stable roster. Mid Lane is where I expect most of the action to be this series Cyclone plays aggressively and so do the Shadow Cows. DOGE just needs to make sure that they are playing their own game and do not let the fun solo queue nature of TSC get in their way of the win. 


HydroPump Zebra Vs. Elysian Thunder Raptors

My Prediction: 2-0 Thunder Raptors

Maxim: Thunder 2-1

Spud: HydroPump 2-1

I really believe that ChristanBros2k vs Kittens is such a significant mismatch that Elysian should take this entire series. Where both teams are weaker than then average team in top lane evens out. Hydropump had the league's worst stats in week 1 they are leading the league in deaths a game. The Thunder Raptors also played terribly but that was with 2 subs coming in so with roster being full this series should go to them. 


TTM Aegeon Vs. Mint Gaming Mafia

My Prediction: 2-0 Mint

Maxim: 2-0 Mint

Spud: 2-0 Mint

I think that TTM is an awful looking team on paper, and I doubt they will win a series unless it is against Hydro. Mint has a perilous draft plan and set of players designed to beat weaker teams and they should be able to exploit the weaknesses of TTM. With teams actually having some time to draft I think Mint stock will fall after week 2  and they will look more beatable in the coming weeks but Mint should stomp tonight and have the best stats in BOL. I honestly think that this will be the quickest series of week 2.  

Elysium on Ice Vs. Clown Gaming Blood Moon

My Prediction: 2-0 Elysium 

Maxim: 2-0 Elysium

Spud: 2-0 Elysium

Clown has a lot of issues going forward in BOL and Elysium looks like on the top dogs in the Freljord. I really just think that this series will be Clown losing every lane and just folding over. With no off-role players Eluysim just looks so much stronger than Clown does and again this series should be over quickly.

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